Hypnotherapy for kids!
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool to help children deal with big emotions. It allows them to calm down in a safe environment where they feel heard and understood. It also allows them to use their imagination to explore their emotions, and the things that trigger them in a very easy and natural way. My sessions with kids are around 30 minutes long and will be tailored to the needs of your child. Children can be from age 7 upwards. We will take 10 minutes at the beginning to discuss their day, their likes and dislikes, anything they have been struggling with, things they have enjoyed, their skills etc. We will then take 10-15 minutes to do some hypnotherapy practise, during which they will be able to relax and enjoy an interactive story while in a relaxed state. These hypnotherapy meditations will explore emotions in a healthy way and give them a chance to connect with the positive parts of themselves as well.
It will also give your child’s nervous system a well needed rest once a week. I recommend 3 sessions to start with, and also booking in a discovery call so we can meet each other and discuss it in more detail.