ONLINE Hypnotherapy sessions

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to help individuals achieve a state of focused attention, heightened awareness, and deep relaxation. In this state, I will guide you to explore thoughts, memories, and emotions, associated with the issues and problems you are facing. Hypnotherapy works by encouraging positive change in the subconscious mind, helping you to break unhealthy patterns and develop healthier coping strategies, thought patterns and beliefs.

What will our session look like?

A Typical 1 hour long Hypnotherapy session will be broken down into two parts. The first 20 minutes will use talking therapy, NLP, NLP goal setting strategies and even some mindful meditation and breathwork to establish the problem and related issues and set a realistic and achievable goal. Then we will do a 20-25 minute Hypnotherapy meditation where I will guide you through a personalised meditation. We will then have a short talk at the end for you to share your experiences and prepare for the following session. All of my sessions are online, and the results are the same as in person. In fact they can be even more effective because there is no travelling to arrive somewhere for your appointment so you can relax afterwards in the comfort of your own space and let the experiences sink in rather than driving home in heavy traffic, or immediately going to some other experience etc.

Will I be in control?

Contrary to what some people believe - due to stage hypnosis - you will be completely in control the whole time. Hypnotherapy is more like a relaxed state of body and mind where you are able to make deep changes to your subconscious mind. However you are awake and aware the whole time and may ask a question or open your eyes should you choose. It is a very natural state for us to be in, however in modern life we have forgotten how to access. I am here to help you to re-learn how to fully relax and take back control of your mind.

WHen will I see results?

You will see results from the first session. The topics we will discuss will be very personal and also specific to the issue, even just bringing these up in a confidential setting will be healing in itself. The various NLP and mindfulness techniques that are integrated into this part of the session, and which are also at your disposal should you find one particularly helpful, are incredibly effective will guide you into a much better state within your own mind and allow you to gain instant perspective and insight into the problem, or problems, you have been facing. The Hypnotherapy communicates directly with the subconscious mind, meaning that the messages conveyed will go straight in, and because your subconscious mind wants and knows what is best for you, it will get to work implementing the positive changes straight away.

To further expand on this, there have been studies on the physical effects of Hypnotherapy in the brain and brain scans actually show how subjects in a hypnotic trance show changes in nerve structures during the process. This deep relaxation allows for a subtle but deep type of healing within the nerve endings in the brain. Alleviating high levels of stress and allowing us to relax very deeply. This, combined with knowledge and conscious effort has profound effects.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.
— Robert Frost


If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. For questions about wellness or mindfulness coaching and tailored 1-1 sessions, book a free 30 minute discovery call today.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it’s old dimensions.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

begin your hypnotherapy journey

  • Starter Pack 3 Session Package

    3 hour long Hypnotherapy sessions and an hour long initial consultation. Jump into Hypnotherapy with this 3 session package, tailored to meet your needs.

  • Delve deeper 5 session package

    Delve deeper into the benefits of Hypnotherapy with this 5 session package. Consisting of 5 sessions and an hour long consultation, you will leave with a deep sense of peace and positive change, as well as knowledge and understanding about your own mind and the ability to help yourself in the future should you need to.

  • On going support package

    Looking for something grounding and consistent. Get two sessions a month with this monthly plan along with email support and discussion when needed. If you’ve tried other therapies and had no luck, this could be the support you are waiting for.